It doesn’t matter what you call this file, just as long as you can find it later. Open the Thunderbird messages that you want to move intoOutlook. Give your export file a name in the “File name” section. Export Data from Thunderbird to Outlook Using Drag-and-DropMethod Make a new folder on the desktop (give a suitable name to thefolder). Click on the “Save as type” dropdown and choose Comma Separated 6. You can put it anywhere, just make sure you know where you’re saving it so you can find it later. In the Export Address Book window, choose somewhere to save your file. Choose the distribution list you want to export - In this example I am choosing the “SaBS Computer Support” list.
If you know how to export images as base64, please let us know as then the vcf file can include the contact photo. Wait until the process of importing gets completed. Select the destination directory to export Thunderbird contacts to Outlook. Click on browse to choose the CSV file to import to Outlook. Choose Comma Separated Values from the list. jpeg files Please update this page with any missing fields, eg webpages. Choose import from another program or file.
Open Thunderbird and then open your Address Book. VBA code to export Microsoft Outlook Contacts as. Only export your personally made lists 1. Exporting distribution lists from Thunderbird to Outlook PLEASE NOTE: Do not export the lists under “Distribution Lists” in your Thunderbird Address Book as these will no longer be maintained on the new system.